Leadership Nevada 2024 Highlights

We are nine sessions into Leadership Nevada 2024. So much learning has taken place! And a little bit of fun too!

In session 1, we learned about Main Street Nevada’s efforts, took a tour of the downtown district and heard from several volunteer organizations. This year’s participants are required to volunteer ten hours of their time.

In session 2, we took a tour of the City of Nevada departments. We were surprised how much there was to learn, even though some of us have lived here our whole lives! Getting to go inside locations that most people don’t visit, was fun and informative! Participants of the program are required to attend one city council meeting.

Session 3 put us on a bus tour, led by Henry Corbin and Marty Chitty. These long-time Nevadans shared the history of our great town. We made a few stops to visit local business owners.

Session 4 was another fun opportunity to visit a place most do not get to see – the county jail! This day was hosted by the county government and also took us to the animal shelter and the county admin building.

Train Your Brain and Functional Fitness were the topics of session 5. We heard from a Leadership Coach who taught us about Navigating Stress and a Physical Therapist who encouraged us to take care of our bodies. We also joined the Rotary Club of Nevada for lunch.

Session 6 was very educational – Nevada Community School District Day! We heard from administrators, teachers, social workers and counselors. We got to tour the school campus, including the FFA buildings and football stadium press box!

Business & Industry was the theme for session number 7. We spent time at Mid-States, OnTrack and Burke Corporation. Brenda Dryer of the Nevada Economic Development Council led us in a fun manufacturing activity!

Session 8 was Agriculture Day! It’s no secret we live in the middle of an agriculture community, but getting to hear from companies like Hertz, Key Coop and Verbio put it all into perspective for us – there is a lot of great things happening in Nevada! We took a tour of ALMACO and had lunch at the Story County Fairgrounds, where Fair Board members shared a little bit of the history and outlook of the fairgrounds. In the evening, we got to attend a dinner in a farm field with international farmers who were in Iowa visiting.

Session 9 was Leadership Development, where we learned tactics to influence others. To practice these new skills, we made a couple of promotional videos encouraging others to volunteer in Nevada and visit Nevada. We left a little time for fun as we ate lunch and bowled at Sports Bowl!

With two sessions left, there is still much to learn! Hospital and Wellness Day and Project Presentations are coming up. In November, our participants will graduate from the program during the annual dinner hosted by Main Street Nevada and Nevada Economic Development Council.
